In this issue: |
- IB Accreditation
- Church Parade
- Mike Moulden
- Toronto Branch Reception
- Alumni Squash
- RCA Golf Tournament
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Upcoming Events:
Cadet Inspection: Saturday May 5th, 2012
Prize Day: Saturday June 16th, 2012
RCA Golf Tournament: Monday June 18th, 2012
Sept. 21-23rd, 2012 Special Reunion for 2's & 7's
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Ridley College Receives IB Accreditation Ridley College is pleased to announce that it has received official accreditation to offer the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme commencing September 2012. This announcement follows a rigorous application process and means that Ridley will offer courses that will enable students to earn both the International Baccalaureate Diploma and the Ontario Secondary School Diploma. Please click here for more information about the IB programme at Ridley.
Ridley Church Parade On Sunday, April 29 we were truly blessed by Mother Nature with a most glorious day for our annual Cadet Church Parade. With over 600 cadets and a first class marching band, DSM Jonathan Chisholm '12 tossed the mace with precison over the Marriot Gates and the Battalion marched its way to downtown and back followed by the Drum Head Service and presentation of long service awards. Click here to watch the video and to see pictures from the day. This Saturday, May 5, the Ridley College Cadet Corps No. 162 RC(A)CC will present its 105th Annual Inspection beginning at 10am. Please feel free to join us and be part of this longstanding tradition.
The Pitbull is Back! We are excited to welcome back Michael "The Pitbull" Moulden '70 who has kindly volunteered to come in and help the Advancement Office during our Spring Donor Phone Blitz. Mike has served Ridley faithfully as a volunteer for decades and upon retiring after a long career as a VP at Stelco, joined the Advancement Team as a full time employee back in 2004 and ran the Annual Fund and then the Capital Campaign for the School until 2009. He is a true professional in every sense of the phrase and exudes the Ridley motto Terar Dum Prosim. Mike will be back working the phones and calling members of the Ridley Family to ask for their support and we are thrilled to have his experience and leadership for the next couple of months as we make the final push for our fiscal year-end.
Ridley Alumni – Men's Squash Night 16 grads ranging from classes in the 70s to 2002 met at the Cambridge Club for the annual Alumni Squash tournament. It was a fine evening of singles and doubles squash, renewing acquaintances, settling grudges (especially within families), rounded out by some typically enjoyable Cambridge Club food. Squash highlights included an epic battle between the indefatigable Gavin Hamilton and the still young Derek Finkle, another between upstart Nick Griffin and the old master, Clive Caldwell, and a classic “smiling faces but internal fire” match between Nick and his father, Tim Griffin. The Griffins and Hamiltons (Michael and Gavin) were upstaged on the family front, though, by the Pitfields; Chip, John, and David graced the doubles courts in impressive style. Thanks, again, go to Derek Finkle for organizing everything (he was acclaimed as organizer in perpetuity), and to our host Clive Caldwell.
Toronto Branch Reception On Wednesday, April 25 at the 114th Annual Toronto Branch Reception over 100 Ridleians gathered at the National Club to honour Jonathan and Emma Leigh for their years of service to Ridley College. To commemorate the upcoming retirement of Headmaster Jonathan Leigh the RCA presented an engraved memory bench as a token of appreciation. Please click here to view photos from the evening.
RCA Golf Tournament- Registration Open Monday, June 18th, 2012 Thundering Waters Golf Club, Niagara Falls BBQ dinner to follow at Ridley College Please click here to register.
Ridley Tiger Now Available Online Please click here to read the Spring issue of the Tiger.
Do you Speak Russian? The Family Guild are looking for a Russian speaking Ridley volunteer from the Niagara Area to assist with their new parent mentoring programme. Please contact for details.